Your Bullish Summer

Christian DeHaemer

Posted July 7, 2012

It’s damn hot out.

The corn crop is burning in the fields and today’s jobs report wilted on the vine.

The new hire number came out at 80,000, which isn’t even enough to cover the new college graduates. Those poor saps.

We need 130,000 jobs just to maintain employment for the new fresh-faced youngsters eager to spend the next forty years in a cubicle, not to mention bring back the 13 million lost jobs since 2008.

It’s also an election year in a never-ending cycle of election years. The politicians keep sniping at each other, feeding the world a constant stream of negativism…

Europe can’t pay their bills, the BRICs are slowing down, and central banks are printing money in a quest to win gold at the Currency Destruction Olympics (CDO).

We Love It

Here at Wealth Daily, we are optimists.

We are snuggling up to the feeling of a 1981 buy opportunity.

And though it’s difficult to name the exact starting point for the next generational bull market, you should know the price-to-earnings ratio for the Dow Industrial stocks is a lowly 14.21, down from 14.47 last year.

The dividend yield is 2.60% — up from 2.37% last year.

The NASDAQ 100 P/E is just 10.81, down from 12.51 last year, though the dividend is just 1.00 on the tech stocks (up from 0.98 last year).

That said, given the numbers, growth, and balance sheet, old school tech stocks are a good place to put your money.

Microsoft pays a 2.60% dividend.

Intel pays a 3.10% (though I distinctly remember telling you to buy when the stock was in the teens and the dividend was pushing 8%.)

Over the past week, your humble editor detailed the money to be made from fertilizer stocks that will benefit from the poor corn crop in Kansas.

CVR Partners (UAN) went from $22 a share to $25 over the past five days.

If I was a hedge fund you’d be writing me a check for 20% of those profits…

But as a Wealth Daily reader, you get them free. Gratis. No charge at all. You can thank me later.

Over the week that was, Brian Hicks provided the simple evidence of not one but two raging bull markets.

Housing stocks were hitting record highs (yes, I know it’s hard to believe, but there it is).

Mr. Hicks calls himself “the original bull on America” — which, I grant you, doesn’t have the alliteration of the many “Dr. Dooms” who sell their wares on the finance channels — but his perspective does have the benefit of actually making you money…

So when he writes the biotechnology industry is going to tipple, we pay attention.

On Thursday, Brian wrote:

“I started in this business in 1994. Had I invested $10,000 in biotechnology at the start of my career, I’d be sitting on a cool $80,000… whereas had I left it in an S&P 500 Index fund, I’d be sitting on $30,000.”

Brit Ryle called for a bottom in gold last weekend, which bounced and then came back a bit.

And our famed options trader Ian Cooper made another great call on Chesapeake Energy (CHK). The stock went from $18 to $20 in the last five days.

How about that. Quite frankly, my friends, I don’t know how we do it.

You can find all these great market calls and more in full below.

Have a great weekend,

Christian DeHaemer
Editor, Wealth Daily

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